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About Me

A couple of days ago, I was urged to share my story with the world as my 20 years on earth have been full of learning experiences and various ups and downs. Initially, I was not sure about the idea of sharing my past experiences. Obviously, I have given in and decided to start typing a blog. Ultimately, I hope whoever reads this blog learns something, either within the field of computer science and programming or just in life in general.

At the time of this post, I just finished my sophomore year at Lewis University as a Computer Science major. Outside of the classroom, I am a member of the baseball team, a member of the Mobile Application Development Club, as well as working on various coding projects of my own, mostly iOS applications. I am in no way an expert in mobile applications, but I can hold my own considering I recently started pursuing computer science. Going into college, I did not really know what I wanted to do with my life other than play baseball. I started my freshman year as a Business Administration major, but quickly found out that I did not enjoy it. The rest of my freshman year was spent researching various majors that were offered at Lewis and deciding what would be the best fit for me. I briefly looked into computer science, but wrote it off after remembering the various stereotypes that go along with the field. However, during the summer going into sophomore year, I started teaching myself coding in Java and immediately loved the endless possibilities that coding and programming presented.

After returning to campus for the beginning of my sophomore year, I rearranged my schedule to allow for some computer science classes. I instantly found what I was looking for in school and switched majors shortly following.

While walking through the computer science hallway one day, I noticed that a student was starting the Mobile Application Development Club on campus. I had always been interesting in smartphones and how various apps were created so I decided to attend one of the meetings, not expecting to find my calling in iOS applications. Since then, I have taken a class online in iOS development, created various small apps, and started creating my first big app, Friend-Me, which is set to be released in mid-August 2018.

Overall, the message of this post is to introduce myself and explain what the purpose of this blog is going to be. I wanted to give a little bit of credibility to this post, despite the little credibility I currently have, and explain that it is all about learning something new everyday. If someone told me last summer that I would be releasing an app on the App Store in a year, I would have laughed at them, especially considering I was still a business major. Ultimately, it is never too late to start something new, as long as you are prepared to put in a lot of work. Once again, I hope you learn something from this blog and enjoy joining me on this learning experience we call life.

Welcome to my blog,

Ryan Schefske

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